Friday 2 December 2022

To Be a Brick

My dying wish.
Is to become a brick.
I know, it sounds weird,
Perhaps even sick.
But I want my ashes mixed,
Into a brick.

Engrave it with a message
Insightful stories:
"This is Skeff, he says
'Fuck the Tories'".

I could be part of place,
that I hold dear.
Somewhere that loans books
Or is selling beer.

Maybe one journey.
How about London?
Pay a visit to 10 Downing,
Or 55 Tufton.
Their front rooms look nice.
Better than this locker.

Farewell to the Blue Bird

Farewell to the Blue Bird. sorry about your nest. To find a new platform, is next year's quest. Hashtag games were great, Scenes we'...