Sunday 28 February 2021

Gentlemen of Fortune

A Cornish rake.
A scoundrel with a heart.
A Gentleman of Fortune.

An Antiguan bravo.
A scoundrel with a heart.
A Gentleman of Fortune.

Wandering rogues
The Gentlemen of Fortune.

They seek Fame and Coin,
True domains of
The Gentlemen of Fortune.

They live for freedom,
Take what they need
Fight if they must.
Death to those who cross
The Gentlemen of Fortune.

Saturday 27 February 2021

Shooting Lasers

Standard Solo
Put on your pack,
Lock and load.

Get ready,

Enter the arena.
Shoot your foe,

Your pack buzzes;
You're hit!

Destroy that base.
Hear it blow.

Mix it up
Rapid Fire
Watch Your Back
Friend or Foe?

Game over
What's your score?
Pretty good!
A-Team firing.

Liven up Monday
With gunplay

Friday 26 February 2021

The Ballad of The Bayfalls

The Bayfalls Family of Wardale,
Dungeon crawlers of note.
Embark on quests that often fail
To bring more than a groat.

Arthur Bayfalls is a fighter.
Sees himself as a knight,
But he is a drunken blighter,
And not really that bright.

His wife Jane is a real wizard.
She gives lectures and brews
potions. Yes, with lizard.
Her spells will more than bruise.

Johnny works nights at The Magpie,
Learnt more there than in school:
Pick locks, pockets, hide, sneak, and spy,
And find a pretty jewel.

Alyn is young. Her soul is pure
She'll send you thoughts and prayers,
And they are a genuine cure.
A power from upstairs.

There is a lot of time to kill:
Adventuring towns are
Like Blackpool, Scarborough or Rhyl:
Past their prime, au revoir.

Thursday 25 February 2021

Kocham Cię

ICT A Level
Goofing off
We could have done more
Could have
Should have
Would have

Gone out
Spent time
Truly known each other
No exam worries
There was more to do
Now I know
Exams don't matter
I think back
When we knew each other
I should have said it

"Kocham Cię"

Would have
Should have
Could have

Wednesday 24 February 2021

Workplace Sin

Desk needs clearing
Deadline looming
Vanity project
TV Tropes
What's my sin?

Faulty printer
Angry customer
Sales caller
Wanton destruction
What's my sin?

Packed lunch
Manager's biscuits
The butty shop
What's my sin?

Boss is away
Holiday home
Three weeks
Bloody elitist
What's my sin?

Got a pay rise
Don't deserve it
But it's mine
A mutual grift
What's my sin?

Long day
Work's numbing
No feeling
Private Browsing
What's my sin?

I'm leaving
I'm a writer
So long
I don't need you
What's my sin?

In one job.
What's my sin?
I'm a fan of all seven.
No more Mr Vice Guy?
That's a sodding lie.

Tuesday 23 February 2021

The Pirate and the Emperor

The Emperor rules from a great hall
Will enforced with a mighty fleet
The Pirate embraces freedom’s call
But one must steal if one’s to eat

Will enforced with a mighty fleet
The Emperor offers the Pirate gold
But one must steal if one’s to eat
Noble promises will feel cold

The Emperor offers the Pirate gold
To plunder his enemies’ ships
Noble promises will feel cold
Poison, stemming from honeyed lips

To plunder his enemies’ ships
The Emperor has made an ideal friend
Poison, stemming from honeyed lips
The Pirate is a means to an end

The Emperor has made an ideal friend
But soon it will become clear
The Pirate is a means to an end
That is something both will fear

But soon it will become clear
The partnership will fail
That is something both will fear
Their only difference is scale

The partnership will fail
The Pirate embraces freedom’s call
Their only difference is scale
The Emperor rules from a great hall

Farewell to the Blue Bird

Farewell to the Blue Bird. sorry about your nest. To find a new platform, is next year's quest. Hashtag games were great, Scenes we'...